E-Motional Business

E-Motional Business In the E-world, no one can hear you listen.

Despite the dotcom boom and its subsequent bust, the impact of technology means that life will never be the same again. The promise of highly capitalised companies with no revenue streams may have evaporated, but a new way of networking, communicating and consuming has become so mainstream, that it's hard to imagine how we coped before the Internet. Written in the midst of the boom, E-motional Business takes a look at our shifting relationships with our family, friends, colleagues, peers and customers.

In a wave of connectivity, dissolving organisational boundaries, disappearing hierarchies and shattered chains of command, the digital economy is reinventing the world of work and the way we relate to one another.

As the pace gathers and lines of communications blur, we need to adjust our working relationships to the faster time and networked space of the wired world. And in the end, beyond the technology, it's all about connecting with people.

But where does the technology end wand where do we begin? Who do we become in the e-world? With demand and response time being instantaneous, are we defined by what we do rather than how we do it? In the information age, consumers and employees have one gaping hold, our emotional needs. What will make relationships work in the e-world?

We need to rediscover purpose, meaning and identity in our wired work. How can we make real connections in a virtual world? Meet, connect, communicate and create?

We are finding a new pace, time, space and depth to our relationships. It's time to find our new place at the heart for the digital economy.

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